1.      Peserta Lomba diminta untuk mengerjakan soal-soal terlampir sebagai seorang Sekretaris.

2.      Peserta lomba diposisikan sebagai Sekretaris dari perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Penyediaan Peralatan Kantor, yaitu PT. GENERAL OFFICE. Jalan Jend.Sudirman No.101, Yogyakarta, Telp (0274) 4343521, FAX (0274) 4343531, email :
Pimpinan Anda bernama Bapak Putra Aditya, SE. Beliau menjabat sebagai Manager Pemasaran.
Perusahaan ini telah mengirimkan produksinya ke seluruh wilayah di Indonesia, dan beberapa negara di wilayah ASIA dan Australia.

3.      Dokumen terdiri dari 10 soal lomba praktik yang harus dikerjakan, yaitu :
1. Mengetik kecepatan (Typing speed)
2. Menangani Telephon ( Phone handling)
3. Membuat Surat Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris (Business Correspondence)
4. Mengelola Kas Kecil (Petty cash reporting)
5. Membuat Agenda Perjalanan Dinas (Business Trip Agenda)
6. Menangani Arsip (Filling)
7. Membuat Notulen (Minutes of Meeting)
8. Mencari Informasi melalui Internet
9. Wawancara
10. Membuat Materi Presentasi dan melakukan Presentasi dengan menggunakan
      Bahasa Inggris


Bidang Keahlian           : Bisnis dan Manejemen
Program Keahlian        : Administrasi Perkantoran
Mata Uji                        : Mengetik Kecepatan
Nomor soal                    : 1

1. Petunujuk Kerja
            a. Kerjakan soal berikut dengan aplikasi Typing Master.
            b. Bila ada masalah dengan alat atau soal, tanyakan kepada juri atau panitia
            c. Ketiklah naskah pemanasan dengan waktu 5 menit dipandu oleh juri
            d. Ketiklah naskah kecepatan dengan baik setelah mendapat aba-aba dari juri dalam
              waktu 10 menit secara bersama-sama.
            e. Cetak naskah dengan benar dan rapi dalam waktu 5 menit dan hasil diserahkan ke
            f. Waktu yang disediakan untuk mengetik 10 menit dan 5 menit untuk mencetak
            g. Nilai maksimal : 100

2. Peralatan yang diperlukan
            a. Komputer dengan aplikasi Typing Master
            b. Printer
            c. Stepler dan steples
            d. Stopwach (untuk juri)

3. Bahan yang diperlukan
            a. Kertas HVS A4
            b. Catride/ Toner

4. Alur Kegiatan
            a. Memperiapkan alat dan bahan
            b. Latihan pemanasan selama 5 menit dipandu oleh juri
            c. Mengetik Kecepatan dilakukan bersama-sama dengan durasi selama 10 menit
            d. Setelah selesai mengetik harap simpan (save) hasil pekerjaan
            e. Cetak hasil pekerjaan dan berikan idientitas Anda pada pojok kanan atas dengan
              format : LKS.2016 - No.Peserta

Pemanasan (5 Menit)

Benefits of Contact Management Software
Real estate management software can be described as technology that acts as a sort of virtual assistant to property managers. It acts as a link between real estate agents and their potential clients, by allowing you to capture all your buyers’ information and tie them all to relevant customer related functions.
Nowadays, it is practically impossible for a home’s sales agent or a commercial property manager to function without the aid of real estate administration software. With this technology, all you have to do is input the data of your various clients, and it will assist
you to personalize the interaction between yourself and the client, and provide a convenient avenue for you to evaluate your clients.
This allows you as a commercial property agent to be able to differentiate between your
most profitable clients, those that you stand to gain from as well as those who you have to
dedicate some time to in order to gain profits. Through this assessment, you can be able to determine if there are means through which you can improve you relations with each of your buyers in a manner that will boost your profits. This evaluation process is known customer relations management (CRM).
Real estate management software helps a property agent to create and identify a number of processes that pin-point and describe valuable clients. There are various kinds of real estate handling software on the market, one such example of this technology being contact management software.

Mengetik Kecepatan (10 Menit)

The Business Of Healing     
There is something a little different about the business of healing. The main objective of most businesses is to increase their owners’ wealth (hopefully coupled with offering  something of value to society). Healing professions also concern themselves with a beautiful bottom line. But individuals who endeavor to alleviate suffering through a form of healing work are usually drawn to this by some siren’s song within. Perhaps they possess a great love for people, extraordinary compassion, a sense of the divinity of life, or a tremendous innate gift. Maybe they choose to do this work because they are fascinated by the mechanisms of the body; they long to solve some great biological puzzle; or they are honoring their  family profession. A few may actually choose a medical career with the primary goal of attaining wealth and status.
As interesting and varied as the reasons why people choose to do healing work is the work it self. This applies to more than just physicians and nurses. There are those that  offer healing through homeopathic or ayurvedic treatments. Naturopaths and herbalists, chiropractors and massage therapists, acupuncturists and energy workers, physical therapists and paramedics – all of these people offer their unique approach to the healing process. Then there are those in support positions such as medical technicians, hospital administrators and professional caregivers that are also involved with the care and treatment of those in pain. And we should not neglect to mention veterinarians who treat our animal friends, counselors and others in psychology who nurture mental health, and the people who concern themselves with spiritual well being. There are so many ways to heal, and many who need healing.
Often, people in the business of healing are also in business for themselves. They are small business owners and sole practitioners who must devote at least 25% of their time in the management and promotion of their businesses. To most of these professionals, this is their “pain in the neck” that promises no cure. Their years of education, training, interning or working with mentors, perfecting their crafts, and building their practice were not accomplished so they could spend 12 to 20 hours a week buried in paperwork!
Totaling receipts, filling out forms, filing folders and trying to build and promote a website is not how they want to spend their precious time and energy. But, for small business owners this is an inescapable reality. Some tasks can be delegated to others; but, unless they are fortunate enough to have dedicated support, most of the business is squarely on their shoulders.
Just how much this subtracts from the number of people they could help, or from their ability to keep up with the constant necessity of self-education, or just how much of a toll this takes on their own peace and wellbeing is impossible to calculate. But it is easy to understand what a difficult juggling act this must be; and how important this is when it could potentially affect the quality of care they provide to people seeking relief.
